Palatinate Chapter Installs Historic Plaque in Zweibrücken
In October 2022, the Palatinate Chapter dedicated an historic plaque to honor local Revolutionary War patriots Christian von Zweibruecken, his brother Wilhelm von Zweibruecken, and the members of the Regiment Royal Deux-Ponts. This French-German regiment under Christian’s command was part of the French Expeditionary Forces lead by Count Rochambeau. Wilhelm and other members of the regiment successfully charged General Cornwallis‘ troops at Redoubt 9 during the Battle of Yorktown, thus winning the battle and ending the war.

Overseas Military Baby Blanket Project: DOC Community update of Dec 2023
Many thanks from overseas military new parents!
Dazzling Donating Daughters have made and sent 5,500 baby quilts and crocheted/knitted blankets since the birth of this Project about 1.5 years ago! The Project began as a way for the Palatinate Daughters, Units Overseas, Germany, to be able to participate in a Chapter Project while being geographically separated. The Chapter hoped to be able to make and donate 35 blankets to the Ramstein Air Base Bundles for Babies class.
Our Awesome Associates learned about the Project and within a month Milissa and Pete Campbell were picking up SUV loads of packages mailed from the States for the Project. Milissa had no idea that as Project Administrator, she had created a full-time job with excessive overtime! Over 4,000 blankets were processed at Headquarters (Campbell’s dining room in Germany) before changing to Direct Shipping. Starting in February 2023, Direct Shipping was piloted and has been a huge success. The logistics of the Project are now more manageable. Donors are matched to locations on a need basis. One time use addresses are assigned to donors for each collection.
With enthusiasm to facilitate distribution of baby quilts and afghans to all overseas military new parents, it was forgotten that establishing new locations takes more time than expected. That coupled with the holiday season starting in early November and continuing through most of January has led to a temporary pause of matching donors to locations. Donors may let Milissa know a collection is ready knowing it will be a few weeks before an address is assigned. Thank you to all of the quilt and afghan makers, the collection and shipping organizers, and donors of supplies and revenue!
Check with your Regent for recording of Service to America hours for all activities associated with the Overseas Military Baby Blanket Project.
Please remember that no packages should be sent to Milissa Campbell. Her contact is:
Exciting New Genealogy Book!
Genealogy can actually be exciting and this new book written by former Palatinate Chapter member Beth Hooper is a great example of this. In fact, her new book entitled “The Roots that Clutch” has already won two awards:
Winner Book Cover Design Non-Fiction 2024
Distinguished Favorite World Literature 2024
This book is a true story of a woman who traces her ancestry over several continents and many years to discover that she is directly related to a famous poet.
Of course, genealogy research is the perfect topic for a DAR member to explore and write about! Congratulations to Beth Hooper!
See synopsis of her book:
Military Baby Blanket Project Update May 2024
Overseas Military Baby Blanket Project is Ongoing with Nearly 6,000 Donated!!!
Nearly 6,000 of our youngest citizens have been presented with a handcrafted, filled with love, baby quilt or blanket from Daughters coast to coast and border to border; plus from internationally based members.
Ten of the 6,000 were beautifully crocheted, ripple blankets made by our own Past Regent Pam Jensen! The collection shown in the photo is headed to a NATO base overseas where the often times overlooked military new parents will be thrilled to receive them. The nurse director there has started a new program which is similar to the Army’s New Parent Support Program. She is excited that the OMBBP will provide baby blankets for them.
Many of the locations have recently requested to be restocked. Traditional cotton baby quilts and crocheted or knitted blankets in any pattern and any color are needed in at least 36″ square or a similar size such as 42″ x 38.
If you have a collection ready, please send a photo to Milissa (email below) of it showcasing each one for inventory and matching to a location. Once matched, the donor will receive a one-time use address for direct shipping.
Please note that shipping to the overseas new parent classes is REGULAR postage and NOT international. Each address is a US military address which is always regular postage.
Please email Milissa Campbell for information about the OMBBP at her Email above.This Email address is specifically for the baby blanket program; please do not use her personal Email address.
Enthusiastically shared by Milissa Bell Campbell, OMBBP Administrator
Project email: